5 Habits You Should Never Break, Part 2

In my previous post, I discussed three of the five habits that you should never break. These next two habits will round out the list and help you get and stay on track especially during the holidays. Bad Habit #4: Not sticking to a regular sleep schedule. This is a tough one especially if you're in the season of raising kids. Just thinking about the kid's schedule can keep you up at night.  Here's the deal; find a bedtime routine and stick to it. That means if bedtime is at 10 p.m. every night, go to bed at that time consistently!  I know, easier said than done but that's why this habit makes the never category.  It's so easy to jump on the computer or catch up on your favorite show, but resist the urge.  If you must stay up past your bedtime, choose a weekend day and only do so by a half-hour.  Overall, aim for 7-9 hours of sleep everyday.

Bad Habit #5: Not addressing those little injuries. Torn rotator cuff in high school? Pulled hamstring in college? Whatever your injury, there's a big chance that you'll hurt yourself again, in the same place.  Don't wait until something pulls, pops, or snaps (I'm not trying to scare you, this stuff happens!).  Don't live in denial and think that that little problem will get better on its own.  As you age, injuries can happen more frequently plus it takes longer to heal.  Be proactive and get an assessment from your doctor who can connect you to a personal trainer or physical therapist.  Fitness professionals can help you get healthy again; a solid fitness program is not a luxury for the Spartacus actors.  You need one too!  You can't afford to have repeat injuries and remember, no problem is insignificant.  Get things checkout out early.

There you have it! Add the word never back to your vocabulary. In the realm of health and fitness, we need some nevers and practicing them on a regular basis will keep you in tip-top shape.

What habits do you break the most and what are you going to do about it?  2013 goal setting is right around the corner.  Get a jump-start today!