Workout reminders that work

The first 6 weeks of any new year are full of possibilities, opportunities, and new ways to fill your time. If you're crazy busy like me, you'll need some extra help to make sure you stay on track with your workouts. If you have difficulty sticking with a new routine even when it's scheduled, there are some creative ways to get it in. Here's the one caveat, you have to be flexible. In fact, that's your operative word for 2017, flexibility. 

Flexibility is typically something you think about during a yoga class or when you're trying to get your kid to do something different. However, when it comes to busy folks with busy lives, flexibility is the key to making your workouts a success. The key aspects of flexibility include willingness to change or be modified so keep that in mind during your daily grind. Below are 3 simple workout reminders that you can use today in order to make your days more active.

#1: Keep your fitness bag with you daily.

One simple, yet effective reminder is to keep your fitness bag stocked with everything you need for a workout, whether you plan to workout or not. Every fitness bag should have the following:

  • Top
  • Pants/shorts
  • Socks
  • Fitness/running shoes
  • Specialty items (e.g. sports bra, weight lifting gloves)
  • Deodorant
  • Towel
  • Make-up remover
  • Plastic bag for wet clothes
  • Change of clothes
  • Fitness journal
  • Music/Earpiece
  • Pre-workout snack
  • Whey protein drink/post-workout snack

Don't leave home without your fitness bag - period. You never know when you'll have an unexpected break or window of time to workout. Always be prepared to workout, just in case. To make things even easier, I suggest you pack your fitness bag on Sunday and re-stock on Saturday.

#2: Schedule your workouts.

Another effective reminder is your calendar. I'm sure it's full of appointment, meetings, and play dates, sporting events, I could go on. How many workouts are listed? If you haven't scheduled your workouts now is the time to do it. Studies show that people are more likely to exercise when it's written down. Treat your workouts as an appointment and don't miss it. Remember, your bag is already packed so there's no excuse. Be careful, though. There will be plenty of distractions and interruptions that can throw a wrench in your workout plans. While you must remain flexible in general, it's important to make sure you adjust things so that your workout doesn't end up off your calendar that day.

#3: Use your fitness tracker every day.

Another easy tip for workouts is just moving more. Set your fitness tracker to vibrate when you've been sitting longer than 45 minutes. Take that time to stretch, walk, or climb the stairs to get your blood flowing. Research states that move breaks improve your overall productivity, help with fatigue, and lower stress throughout the day.

Lastly, it's crucial, critical, important (you get the picture) to give yourself some slack. There will be times when life happens. An unexpected illness, family situation or car trouble can change your entire week. When life happens, do everything you can to eat well, get plenty of rest, and minimize stress. Once things get back to normal, resume your workouts and you'll be fine.  

Workout reminders are a great way to keep your fitness regimen going well after the new year. Follow these simple steps, and see the difference a little planning makes.