A Healthier Trail Mix

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Trail mix can carry all the trappings of fat, calories, and waistline challenges.  You have to know what trail mixes to avoid and what ingredients to use to keep it healthy and prevent unwanted weight gain.  I learned some tricks over the years on how to indulge in this favorite snack without wreaking havoc on your body.

Tip #1 - Avoid the fancy packaging and claims of most trail mix packaging.  Look at the ingredients immediately and if you see anything that says, "hydrogenated" put it back -  nothing hydrogenated is healthy for you.

Tip #2 - Pick raw nuts over roasted ones.  Raw nuts are best for you.  They are free from oils and are in the best state for your body to digest.  It may take some time to get the roasted, salty, nuts out of the picture, but once you do, your body will feel a noticeable difference.

Tip #3 - Make your own trail mix.  The primary reason is that it gives you control over your portion size and limits all the additives that aren't good for you anyway.  The rule of thumb here is to use a measuring cup because a little trail mix goes a long way in terms of calories.  Here is one of my favorite homemade trail mix creations and it's less than 250 calories!

Valerie's Mix

  • 1/4/ cup raw nuts (e.g. cashews, almonds)
  • 1T dried fruit (e.g. apricots, raisins, cranberries)
  • 1 t organic dark chocolate

Mix and enjoy!