Top 10 Ways to Manage Holiday Stress, Part 1

It’s no secret that the holidays bring a certain amount of stress in our lives. I get it! Today I will give you some tried and true strategies to manage stress and improve your overall outlook this month. Remember, you have the ability to control your stress. Yes, you really do. Let me know how things go.

  1. Plan your workouts. This is a great way to manage stress. Add stretching into your cardio and strength sessions to help with recovery and put your body into a relaxed state.

  2. Time-box errands. As an Executive Health Coach, I work with busy women who sometimes feel that their schedule is out of control. To address for these ebbs and flows I recommend that you organize your trips so that you do everything within a close radius. For example, get your groceries, gas up, pick-up the cleaners, and grab some holiday items. By streamlining errands, you will save time, preserve that gas tank, and lower your stress levels.

  3. Shop early. The saying, the early bird gets the worm is so very true. Aim to do most of your shopping between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. You will breeze through the aisles and finish in record time. Save the rest of your day for other activities that you really enjoy.

  4. Declutter now. Why wait until April? One of the sure-fire ways to increase cortisol levels is to be surrounded by clutter. Start purging items now. Donate your items to a charity early.

  5. Surround yourself with beauty. Now is the time to get those beautiful holiday flowers and greenery. Studies show that adding greenery to your living space improves your mental outlook. Add that to your errands. (see #2)

My next post will highlight some five more ways to manage holiday stress and enjoy this season of celebration and gratitude. Until next time, take good care of you!