No Time to Exercise? 3 Tips for Getting Your Workouts In!

Are you pressed for time?  Do you wonder how to get in any exercise amidst a hectic schedule?  If you're like most time-strapped moms, getting your exercise can seem like a logistical nightmare.  As a busy mom, I can understand the daily challenge of workouts.  Here are my tips help get into a groove and increase the chances of getting your workouts in no matter what!

1.  Keep your bags packed. Okay, I don't mean for a vacation although that would be a great motivator!  One way to make sure you get moving is to have your gear packed at all times.  Just like you prepare your kid's lunch bags and backpacks, put your workout bag on the list.  Here are my must-haves for your workout bag:

  • Fitness or running shoes
  • Athletic socks
  • 2 shirts
  • Extra set of workout pants/shorts
  • Weight gloves
  • Hand towel
  • Towel
  • Toiletry kit (include sunscreen)
  • Flip-flops
  • Plastic bags for transporting wet stuff
  • iPod, earphones
  • Journal for tracking workouts (optional but a good idea to track your progress)

2.  Know your neighborhood. I'm not a gym rat and I don't recommend you be one either.  Now that spring is around the corner, scope out some local trails or parks to walk or jog.  Take advantage of a long lunch and tackle a new area of town.  Be adventurous (and safe) and do something different.  There's no replacement for fresh air either.  Wear sunscreen!

3.  Focus on Five.  Okay, let's say you're all ready to head to the gym and your morning gets derailed.  What do you do?  Whatever you do, don't ditch the workout.  Here are are 5 exercises that you can do and still get a great workout in for the day:

  • Warm-up -  Jog in place for 5 minutes
  • Exercise #1 - Squats, 2 sets of 15 reps, 1 set of squat jumps at the end (30 -60 sec)
  • Exercise #2 - Plank to push-ups, 2 sets of 15 reps
  • Exercise #3 - Step-back lunges, 2 sets of 15 reps, 1 set of lunge jumps at the end (30- 60 sec)
  • Exercise #4 - Mid-back or low row with dumb bells or bands (use door anchor), 2 sets of 15 reps
  • Exercise #5 - Side plank, 1 set of 3 reps each side, hold for 30-60 sec
  • Cool down - Walk for 5 minutes or stretch

Your workouts shouldn't be overwhelming.  Don't over think it especially if you're pressed for time!  You'll always have a time pull so make a way to get it done.  Over time you'll need to make a way to get your exercise in; if you have one hour great but if you only have 15 minutes, make it count!

What are some of your challenges with time and working out consistently?